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Celebrate the New Year by Giving Your Meerschaum Pipe a Health Check-Up

The turn of the new year marks a traditional time of reflection and renewal. People resolve to make positive changes in their behavior or to finish projects that have been lingering on the back bur …

How Much Heat Can Your Briar Pipes Handle?

Briar pipes are made from root burls of the white heath tree. “Tree” is probably being a bit generous when it comes to the White Heath because they’re far more like gnarly little bushes than trees, …

All About Pipe Reaming: What You Ought to Know

Cake is carbon that accumulates on the inside of the pipe bowl. Each time tobacco is burned some of this carbon residue is left behind and attaches itself to the walls of the bowl. Over time it acc …

The Complete Meerschaum Pipe Care Kit: Stocking Fillers for Pipe Smokers

How do you define the perfect Christmas gift? Experience says the gifts that are appreciated the most are usually the ones that reflect a knowledge of the person who is receiving the gift, rather t …

Seven Deadly Sins of Pipe Smoking - and Seven Essential Rules

Pipe smoking is a highly individual experience. Do you prefer an Oriental over a Virginia tobacco? Would you rather pair an evening smoke with a double scotch on the rocks or a steaming hot cup of …